Revive Africa Initiative  wishes to to congratulate Liberia for the success of the presidential election and Senator George Weal for victory in the poll, your victory is indeed a victory for democracy and victory for younger Africans.
We charge you to lead the good people of Liberia with sense of patriotism  and focus on addressing the corruption and poverty challenges rocking the nation.
Africa is at this time in dare need of a great leader with strong character, you have to look beyond political party lines and religious cum ethnic affiliation to painstakenly choose the best hands into your cabinet and other organs of government so as to set an agenda for the people of Liberia .
You have enjoyed a great deal of good will from the electorate, and this goes a long way to depict their desire for progressive paradigm shift in the running of affairs of the nation and a challenge of the status quo, therefore you owe the good people of Liberia nothing less but good governance.
As a new face with vast exposure and wealth of experience from your long stay in Europe, you should be able to lead the much needed Pan African revolution that will see the continent to new heights.
While we urge Liberians to be peaceful, calm and law abiding and encouragement your opponent to remain peaceful and avoid actions that will instigate violence, we wish to encourage George Weal to initiate moves to integrate all interests groups to ensure lasting peace.


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